Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Daniel Chapter 5

The Writing on the wall.

What does God teach us when we go against his will?

Do you ever wonder if God punishes us for our sins?

Read Chapter 5 of Daniel and see what the consequences were for King Belshazzar when he mockingly used the goblets from the temple.

He more than likely knew their significance. Belshazzar was showing off for his friends.

I am convinced that God isn't out to punish us. I am equally convinced when we sin against Him we have to live with the consequences.

Am I so far removed from what Belshazzar did?

Do I mock God by the lifestyle I live? By the way I act when I am around certain people? By the clothes I wear? By the T.V. shows or movies I watch? By my actions when I get behind the wheel of the car? By the way I treat people when I am in a bad mood vs. the way I treat them when I am in a good mood? Etc., etc., etc.

We can all fall victim of mockery to a certain existent. It is easy to look at a story like Belshazzar and shake our fingers at how he mocked God. But when we think of our own lives are we so far beyond doing what Belshazzar did?

How do we treat the Sabbath?

See you Sunday!

In Him......


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Daniel - The Fiery Furnace

Daniel Chapter 3 is a story of bravery and courage!

Daniel has 3 friends that have been with him since the beginning. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. All three friends love God. All three were appointed to high positions by the king because of their true commitment to serve their God and not the many pagan gods of Babylon.

Many have heard this story. King Nebuchadnezzar builds a statue and wants all the people in the kingdom to bow down to his statue. Shadrah, Meshach and Abednego will not bow down. They are thrown into a fiery furnace, 7 times hotter than usual. This furnace is so hot that the soldiers that threw the three men in died from the heat. You can read the rest of Chapter 3 to see the ending.

I want to know what is going through these three men's minds as they refuse to bow to the kings statue. This is what they say to Nebuchadnezzar. "King, we don't need to talk about this anymore. We might be thrown into the blazing furnace. But the God we serve is able to bring us out of it alive. He will save us from your powerful hand.......But even if we knew that our God wouldn't save us, we still wouldn't serve your gods." vs. 16-18

Wow what powerful words to say to a king that has the power to kill you right then and there.

I think about life and all its challenges. Illness's, divorce, death, money, job loss, etc., etc., etc. As I face life's challenges am I tempted to throw in the towel and just give up on all of it? Or do I stand firm and say what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego said.....

Do I say.......

"Satan, I don't want to talk about this any more. I can face all the challenges that life can throw at me but I will not give in. I will not abandon my God. Because no matter what, I know my God will never abandon me. My God can take me out a fiery furnace if He wants to. Even if he chooses to let me endure the fire, he will never abandon me. I will always follow His will. I will learn from the fire what He wants me to learn. I know He will protect me. I know He will give me strength.

That is what Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego's story is teaching me today!

I hope you gain in site with your walk with God through this story. I would love to hear what you learn. Share it with me sometime, will you?

In Him.......


Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Daniel - God Protects Me

God Protects Me is October's Truth of God!

We will study Daniel Chapters 1-6 this month. Our lesson for October 4th will be taken from Chapters 1 & 2.

Daniel is a poor young Jewish boy from a land far away. He and his 3 friends were captives living in the kings (Nebuchadnezzar) palace in Babylon. They were given the best food. The best education. The best of everything. They had been brought to Babylon to serve in the royal palace. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted the best to serve him.

Daniel requests a simpler diet from his attendant. Daniel rejects the kings diet. He requests a diet of fruits and vegetables not the rich food at the kings table. Is he crazy? Imagine the reaction of the attendant.

Bottom line is, Daniel doesn't forget what he learned at home. Daniel remembers the basics of his faith and doesn't get sucked in by all the temptations of the world. Daniel has confidence that God will protect him if he does the right thing and doesnt sucome to the pressure of his surroundings.

Does this remind you of going off to college?

What happens when our kids go off to college? They are thrown into a sea of temptations. All the things that are bad, that we as parents protect them from are now available to just 'give it a try'. No harm done. Just do it. Try it. Heck not college. Our kids face these challenges as young as middle school. Sometimes sooner.

That was Daniels life. But he stood firm and proved to the attendant and everyone else in the kingdom that at the end of the day if he did what he knew was right before God he would be blessed. In Daniels case just like off to college, he wasn't going to be popular with his choices. Daniel had to prove that following God's way wasn't only wise but better.

Daniel and his 3 friends (Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah) were the strongest and brightest of all attendants. Verse 20 of Chapter 1 says this......

In all matters requiring wisdom and balanced judgement, the king found the advice of these young men to be ten times better than that of all the magicians and enchanters in his entire kingdom.

My prayer is that I am providing the right tools for my son to be a Daniel in this world!

Have a blessed week.


Tuesday, September 22, 2009

God's Sign - Genesis Chapter 9

"I have put my rainbow in the clouds. It will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."

If you ever listen to Christian talk radio there is a church that advertises called the Church of Glad Tidings. I remember it because the pastors wife always ends the advertisement by saying...."God keeps His promises."

His rainbow in the clouds is a beautiful reminder to us that God keeps His promises. What about when we don't see His rainbow? Does he still keep His promises? We seldom have reminders so vivid as a rainbow but we need to remember He always keeps His promises, rainbow or no rainbow.

Can I say that? Can I honestly say, even as a mom, that I keep all my promises? Maybe most of the time. Sometimes some of the time. But certainly not ALL of the time.

Well, God keeps ALL His promises all of the time.

I trust that!

As we conclude the month of September remember what you have learned through the story of Noah and his unbelievable faith. Noah against the world. Trusting everything God tells him.

I pray you have that kind of Noah faith! I pray that if God tells you to build an ark, you build it. I also pray I see you building that ark and I lend you a hand!

God Bless your week of (still) much needed rain!

In Him......


Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Noah - The flood reseeds! - Genesis Chapter 8

How much can we endure?

Septembers Truth is God is truth. Noah is an awesome example of truth. God said and God did! Noah never seemed to question God's truth. Was this time in Noah's life joyful, pleasant, fun, exciting, boring, frustrating, hard, filthy, agrivating?

I would bet the later adjectives describe Noah's 150 days of floating and nearly 2 additional months of waiting for the ground to be solid enough to walk on. Yet Noah trusted in God's truth. Noah endured a floating zoo for over 1/2 a year.

How much can we endure?

Chapter 8 vs. 1 says; But God remembered Noah.

Noah did all God asked him to do. Finally the flood waters reseed. God tells Noah to get off the ark. Take all the animals off the ark. It was over. Noah could celebrate. Noah builds an alter to God. Noah thanks God. Noah remembers that this journey is over. It was lonely, hard, frustrating, scary, etc., etc., etc. But God remembered Noah. Don't forget that. vs. 1 God remembered Noah.

Do you ever feel like Noah?

You feel like you are on a floating zoo? 6 months, a year, two years. A tremendous journey that you were not equipped to deal with (or so you think)? You endure. You try. You curse! But you walk on! You endure. You know that God is truth and that if you keep following his path the end will be something you can celebrate. You'll have a barbecue with your friends. You will tell them the awesome story of the journey God sent you on and you will celebrate the blessings that came from this incredible journey!

The point is we are all Noah! We are all asked to build an ark. Sometimes God asks us to bring people with us and sometimes God asks us to go it alone.

God remembered Noah. That doesn't mean he thought about him in passing. That meant God was with Noah every step of the way.

If we hold fast to the knowledge that God is truth the end will always be something to celebrate and He will give us the answer that we can look back on and say; "Thank you God. That is why you sent me on that journey. Thank you."

In Him......


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Genesis 7 - God is Truth - Noah and the flood.

Have you ever ventured into a new setting and you feel excited but afraid at the same time? You may feel joyful about the new adventure but sorrowful about leaving something behind? Or maybe your excited because this new venture will have so many rewards but nervous because it will take a lot of planning and a lot of work?

I would imagine Noah must have felt those emotions.

God was calling Noah and Noah alone to go and do great things. But with that came great responsibility. He had to make sure the ark was built to specifications, able to handle all the animals, his family. Food had to be provided and chores delegated to care for the animals. I cannot imagine the stress of it all.

Noah had to be sad as well. Noah knew that all the people in the world were going to be destroyed. When the rains came, did they come banging on the door pleading for him to make room for them on the ark?

When you venture into that new land. Maybe a new job. A new neighborhood. A new marriage. A new baby! You are elated, yet there is always something terrifying about the new, isn't there?

So what did Noah do? Noah knew that God is truth. So no matter what God told him to do he did and he trusted Gods way was the best way. Noah followed God's plan. The Bible said Noah was a godly man (Genesis 7:1). The Bible also says; Noah did everything the Lord command him to do. (Genesis 7:5)

I want to encourage you through all things in your life. Your spouse. Your friends. Your families. Your job. Pray for Gods guidance and His protection. Most of all I encourage you to have confidence to place ALL things in Gods hands. God is truth. He knows best! Not us.

Everything happened exactly as God had commanded Noah. Then the Lord shut him in.
Genesis 7:16b

Let God shut you in!!!


In Him......


Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Genesis 6 - God is Truth

We kick off September with our new curriculum. I am so excited to share it with everyone! Especially the kids.

The Truths of God!

September for Nursery/Preschool is God is Truth told through the story of Noah.

Genesis Chapter 6 is our introduction to Noah. We will teach the lesson about God speaking to Noah.

God is very disappointed with His people. They are bad! The Bible says;
(vs. 5) Now the Lord observed the extent of the people's wickedness, and he saw that all their thoughts were consistently and totally evil. So the Lord was sorry he had ever made them. It broke his heart.

How could we break God's heart?

One man. Noah, stood out among all the others. Noah was a righteous man, the only blameless man living on earth at the time.

Okay! Have you ever thought or heard this? (Be honest.) "People will think I am weird if I show outwardly that I am a Christian." Look at Noah! Do you think he cared? The ONLY blameless man living on earth. Probably the only man God talked to.

What is our beef about; praying in public, telling folks you will pray for their family, inviting people to church, sharing our faith with others?

Noah was alone!!!

God was angry with good reason. So God destroyed the entire human race except for Noah and his family.

What happened? Why did they stray so far away?

I wonder if God feels that way about our world today. So much wickedness and evil in our world. Is he sad? Who is Noah today? You? Me?

Is God happy with me? Or am I making him sad.

Am I pleasing God today? Or am I following the wicked world?

Am I consistently following God's will (his truths) and enjoying a close relationship with Him (vs. 9)?

My job is to do God's will. Everything else will come if I follow God's truths!

I do not want to be the one that makes God sad. I want to be like Noah and find favor in God's eyes.


In Him.....


Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Luke 9:46-48 - Who is the Greatest?

Jesus wants to be my friend. Who is the greatest?

In Luke chapter 9 Jesus talks to his apostles as they ask who is the greatest among them. They want to know who is Jesus best friend.

Many of us have children who started school this week. If you don't I am confident you remember what that first week of school was like. It's a jockeying for position with friends. Even if you have the sweetest kid on the planet we are all wired to be loved, so friendships matter. We don't necessarily ask, but we want to know (in our friends eyes), who is the greatest? Who is your best friend?

When you have a relationship with Jesus you know His favorite is always you. Jesus tells us His favorite is ME yet His favorite is YOU. He has favorites yet He doesn't have favorites because we are all His favorites. If we accept Jesus into our hearts that is the only was we can experience being His best friend and feel His love.

My prayer is for our children to experience Jesus' love. I pray that love pours out of their hearts so their friends see a difference and want Jesus' love too.

Have an awesome week!

In Him.....


Our kids will have friends that will let them down. Our kids will let their friends down. We will be let down and let down others. When we have a relationship with Jesus he is our only constant.

As we wrap up our month of friendship this Sunday, I am hopeful you and the children we teach, have learned valuable biblical lessons to guide our relationships throughout this school year an beyond.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

David and Saul - 1 Samuel 24

I am reading 1 Samuel 24 from The Message. If you have never picked up The Message it is a great supplemental addition to your personal Bible collection.

At this point in time of Davids life his is on constant run from Saul. Saul is sooooo jealous of David it hurts. He cannot bear the thought of David around him any more and he is gathering together his finest men to seek David out and kill him. Remember David has done nothing wrong but honor God and please Saul.

In chapter 24 David and his men stumble upon Saul in a precarious position. Saul is in a cave relieving himself. David's men are ecstatic. Take him out David. Now is our chance. David knows it isn't right so he puts a teaser out. David is so close to Saul he cuts his robe and takes a piece of it. David is doing a "Nanny, nanny boo, boo. You can't catch me Saul. I could have caught you but I let you go."

David immediately feels guilty. Here is what he says (from The Message). "God forbid that I should have done this to my master, God's anointed, that I should so much as raise a finger against him. He's God's anointed!"

David is so regretful!

So step back and picture yourself in David's shoes. Have you ever had that happen to you?

Think of a time you were really angry with someone. A perfect opportunity presents itself for you to just lay in to them and let them have it. You know they deserve it and you just want them to know........ But wait! Something tells you to take a step back. You know God says we are all His children. You want to do the right thing but boy would it feel good to give them a what for. Tell them how you really feel. You know and everyone around you knows they deserve it! Something is holding you back. In the long run what is the best thing to do? Show mercy? They don't deserve that. God speaks to your heart. He tells you to be kind, compassionate and loving.

It's hard. I would love to say I always listen to that voice. When God tells me to be that kind, compassionate, forgiving person. But I don't always obey. Sometimes I just blurt out and regret it later! What kind of a Christ follower am I if I don't take the high road? How many times have I said, "God forgive me! That was not the God honoring thing to do."?

So take the 'high road' today,this week, tomorrow! I will see you Sunday!

In Him.......


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1 Samuel 20 - Jonathon and David

Friendship is our theme for the month of August.

We have talked about David being a friend by loving God (anointed as God's chosen one), David being a friend by helping others (defeating Goliath for his friends). This week we will talk about David having a best friend (Jonathon) and how a friend loves others.

We'll talk to the kids about what a best friend is. But this story stirred up a bit of controversy with my study.

As I read through the scripture I was torn by Jonathon and his deception to his father (Saul).

What is God telling me here about obedience? Is there a point in time that deception is okay? God directed Jonathon to deceive his father for the sake of his friend. I'm confused.

Praise God for his Word and study Bibles!!!

According to the NIV footnotes....

It is clearly a principle of Scripture that when a father instructs a son to break God's laws, the son should obey God rather than man. This principle assumes that the son is old enough to be accountable and to see through any deception. A son's role is to be respectful, helpful, and obedient to his father (Ephesians 6:1-3), but not to follow commands or advice that violate God's laws.

Jonathon was deceptive to his father when he lied about why David wasn't at the festival. Yet Jonathon had to protect David or his father (Saul) would kill him. Surely God didn't want Jonathon to put David in a position where his life was at stake. So Jonathon saving Davids life (even though it was through the means of lying to his father) was God driven.

When I face a situation where I need to protect an individual and deception is necessary, it is okay as long as I know I am following God's will and not a worldly directive.

How do I know if it is God driven or worldly driven? I believe you can only be certain your motives are God driven if you are studying God's Word, listening to the Holy Spirit, committed to prayer and seeking Godly council. Then your heart will be in the right place to hear God's wisdom.

Life is complex and complicated sometimes! That is why I am so grateful I am not going it alone!

Thank you God for being my best friend!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

David and Goliath - 1 Samuel 17

This Sunday we are continuing with our study in 1 Samuel. We are teaching about friendship and how David was a friend.

How was the story of David and Goliath a story on friendship?

David was a true friend. David put his own safety on the line to protect the only friends he had. David was a young man, about 14 years old. The only battle David ever fought before Goliath was against wild animals. In my book that is a pretty brave friend. I have never hunted anything. Unless of course you consider chasing down a house fly hunting. I was truly impressed. I am prayerful that God doesn't call me to fullfill that kind of role as a friend.

What I love about this story is how David embraces this confrontation.

David put on the armor Saul gave him. He was not comfortable. It didn't feel right. It was to big. It was to bulky. It was hot. He had never worn anything like that before. David was really uncomfortable.

I have never in my life played tackle football but from what my son tells me it would be like going from flag football to tackle football. I say, "Johnny I know you can run faster than that. He says, "Mom, you don't know how hard it is to run with pads on.". Your restricted. Its extra weight. And for heaven sake, how can you see through that huge helmet.

Davids shed himself of all the armor and fought the battle with the skin and skills God gave him.

Don't we do that all the time? Try to put on someone else's armor?

We put ourselves in situations that we are not comfortable in just to either say we did it, impress our neighbors, make peace with our family or because we 'think' its the right thing to do. When in reality God just hasn't gifted us there. God didn't mean for us to put that particular armor on. Sometimes God gives us a sling shot and we need to learn how to use the sling shot.

Have you ever done that before? Shed the armor and gone with the slingshot? Doesn't it feel good?

Serve were you are gifted and it will be the most wonderful experience of your life. Serve were you 'think' you should serve (not that you shouldn't try the armor on for size) and won't fit and you'll drag yourself every time.

I pray you are were God wants you. Pray on it! Listen to His response! Serve with your slingshot not someone else's armor.

In Him......


Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Introducing David

1 Samuel 16:1-13

August we are introducing Friendship as our theme at LHC kids. We will study the life of David.

When we first hear about David, God pulls a Moses moment. You know the moment. God appoints the least expectant one to lead His people.

Gods tell Samuel to go to the house of Jesse and there he will find the new king to rule over Israel.

Jesse has 8 sons. He brings the oldest 7 to see Samuel. The youngest he keeps to tend the sheep.

Samuel assumes God will tell him to take one of Jesse's oldest sons. They are strong, tall and handsome. Yet God chooses the youngest, David. A boy who is out tending the sheep.

This famous verse is present here........

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

God is referring to Saul at the beginning of this passage. Saul is the strong, handsome one. God has rejected Saul and God is telling Samuel to 'get over' Saul. In God's eyes Saul is no longer king. God will appoint the next king and he may not be strong and handsome. A mans appearance is not as important as a mans heart.

I have to park here. As a women I am concerned with my outward appearance. Before we go out I always ask my husband, "Do I look okay?" Or if I am going somewhere with girls I traditionally ask, "What are you wearing?" I might even say, "Do I look fat in this?" (transparency).

When I reflect back on how I feel about people in my life I hold dear. Do I care if they haven't gone to the hair dresser in 6 months? Do I care (unless it is affecting their overall health) if they put on 5 pounds? Do I care if they aren't wearing the latest trendy clothes?

No! I love them for who they are! I love their spirit. I love when they make me laugh! I love seeing them with their kids. I love having a deep conversation with them. I don't care what they are wearing or how their hair is fixed!!!!

God is so good. He tells us what He looks at and if we are completely honest with ourselves we will see that that is what draws us to people. Its how he wired us. Only if we are living in the world (what man says) will we feel differently. In God's world we reflect on how He made us. We are drawn to someones heart!

This should even apply to choosing leaders (spiritual or secular). We should look at their integrity. We should look at their heart. We shouldn't care where they bought their clothes or if we like their hair style. Or how handsome and tall they are (remember Saul).

Go hug a friend and tell them how much you love their heart!!!

See you Sunday!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Genesis 45 - Joseph and his family

After Joseph revealed himself to his brothers he gave God the glory and honor. A big switch from the Joseph who bragged about his coat and made his brothers so angry with his boastful stories of his dreams to rule over them that they sold him to slavery.

The stories Joseph told his brothers about his dreams were true and from God. But Joseph was not discerning and made everyone angry.

In Genesis 45 we meet a new Joseph. This Joseph learns a little about discernment. This Joseph forgives his brothers for selling him into slavery. This Joseph promises them riches beyond what they could ever imagine. No strings attached.

Joseph tells them this; "But God sent me ahead of you to preserve for you a remnant on earth and save your lives by a great deliverance. So then, it was not you who sent me here, but God. He made me father to Pharaoh, lord of his entire household and ruler of all Egypt." Genesis 45:7&8

Joseph is giving God all the glory and yet forgiving his brothers who could have cared less what happened to Joseph, years before. They threw him away. They were glad to be done with him.

So Joseph weeps with them (vs.14&15), sends them back to Jacob (their father) with donkeys, food, clothing, etc. Enough for all their family's, and the journey back to Egypt.

Joseph showed us how God forgives us and showers us with goodness even though we have sinned against him. All we have to do is ask and God forgives. No strings attached. Because we are God's children he grants us grace and forgives us. Joseph granted forgiveness and riches because they were his brothers.

What a great story to teach our children. Especially about sibling relationships and forgiving those who have wronged us.

Also, this story teaches us that God has a plan. During those ugly situations where we cannot imagine God being a part of, He is. He is all knowing.

We need to realize that even in circumstances when people are ugly and disappointing us, He still has a plan. We may hate the situation when someone dumps us, a parent abandons us, a child rebels against us, or a family member steels from us. In all those (and many more) it is still God's plan. Who are we to stand in the way of God's plan for our lives? Even when it is ugly!

Forgiveness is one of the hardest things for us to do. We feel as if we deserve the last word or the acknowledgment we are right. We need to move past that.

We need to form this attitude, this prospective; "It is NOT about me. This is about God's plan. What am I going to do with this situation to honor Him?"

Have a forgiving weekend!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Joseph Sold Into Slavery

Happy Wednesday! Blogging from NY were it is 68 degrees, raining and we are praying it stops before the Yankee game tonight.

Genesis 37

Joseph is the favorite son. Every family has one don't they? If your not the favorite than you are the one that resents that sibling at some point in time in your life.

I think about raising kids and how they all need to learn a level of discernment. Joseph loved to brag about his coat and his dreams. We may have one child get all A's and their brother or sister don't. Or you may have a child that does what you tell them (the first time) and the other seems to forgets and needs to be reminded 5 times.

Kids are kids and we are the same. God doesn't have favorites but sometimes he blesses us. So what we do with those blessings are what matters.

Joseph made his brothers so angry by bragging about his beautiful coat and his dreams that he would rule over everyone someday, that they couldn't stand it any more. They plotted to get rid of him somehow. They nearly had him killed but one of them had a voice of reason and decided selling him to slavery would be a better option.

So when God does bless us isn't it important to recognize those blessings as Gods blessing and not ours? Just like teaching your children their gifts are different than each others. School grades may come easy for one but the other may have to study more.

It took Joseph a long time to learn an important lesson. Because our talents and knowledge come from God, it is more appropriate to thank him for them than to brag about them. Later, Joseph gives God the credit.

Have a great day!

In Him......


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Matthew 14:22-36

Jesus is the rock of courage. He would go anywhere, talk to anyone without a whimper of fear. It must have been so frustrating for him to teach courage to his disciples. And it must be more frustrating for him to see us struggle with courage.

I love to picture the scene......Jesus on the shore, watching the boat (you know Jesus can see for miles) anticipating how his disciples will react to the storm. Of course he knows the outcome but He waits patiently.

I would have been terrified. More so than the disciples were. These guys were fisherman. I am certain this was not their first storm. I would have been in the fetal position praying my little heart out!

They see Jesus. Peter recognizes Him but wants confirmation. He gets out of the boat and walks to Jesus. In the midst of the storm and the terrifying conditions Peter starts to sink. Jesus comments on Peters lack of faith, yet He is right there to rescue him.

vs. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them; "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Peter started to sink when he took his eyes off of Jesus and started to focus on what was around him.

We do that. Don't we? We think we are fixed on Jesus. We get distracted or caught off guard. We lack courage. We lack faith. As soon as we regain focus on Jesus he lends us a hand and pulls us back up so we can walk on water again.

He is the only one that can rescue us. Jesus is the only one who can give us enough courage to weather any storm.

Have a blessed week.

In Him......


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Walls of Jericho

Joshua 6

We all know the story of Joshua and the trumpets around the city walls of Jericho.

Read the chapter. The details of this complicated instructions for the battle seem to be a bit absurd at times. Why the trumpets? Why 7 times?

My Bible (NIV) notes say that it may have been because God was making it undeniably clear that the battle would depend upon him, and not upon Israel's weapons and expertise. That is why priest carried the ark, not soldiers. Or it may have been God's method of taking the city accentuated the terror already felt in Jericho (2:9). Or maybe the strange military maneuver was a test of the Israelites faith and their willingness to follow God completely.

Regardless of the reasons. Joshua was such a great leader. He followed what God told him to until the bitter end.

I am reminded of goals when I hear this story. How easy it is to quit in the middle when it gets to tough.

Like training for a race or staying on a diet. Or maybe giving up something that is bad for you....smoking, drinking, drugs, cursing, driving to fast, eating ice cream. you know what I mean.

It gets really tough at some point. Sometimes so tough it hardly seems worth the effort and it seems so easy to quit rather than suffer through. You know. Just hang it up. Who will notice? This is just my thing! Right?

Well when you give up those things with a promise to God, guess who you let down? God! Joshua wasn't going to let God down. So he followed through until the bitter end. He could have given up. Everyone would have agreed it was a crazy idea. But how would Joshua have handled his relationship with God if he gave up?

When we follow through until the bitter end the results are well beyond what we imagine. When we quit? Well.....we just have to start all over again!

So, don't quit! Persevere! God will give you strength.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Have an awesome week.

In Him.........


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Numbers 14 - Spies

Numbers Chapter 14 in The Message begins like this:

The whole community was in an uproar, wailing all night long. All the people of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron. The entire community was in on it: "Why didn't we die in Egypt? Or in this wilderness? Why has God brought us to this country to kill us? ........

Soon they were all saying it to one another: "Let's pick new leader; let's head back to Egypt."

When I reflected on these passages I realized how often I'm discouraged with where I am. Sometimes I want a new direction, a new road, a new 'leader'. Then I have to realize right in front of me is God's plan for me. God's blessings for my life is where I am. I am on a journey God laid out for me. What is my deal?

Does God wait for me to pick another path? Choose my own leader? Make another road?

No God waits to see what I am going to do with the current journey He already has me on. God's plan is the perfect plan. We can never choose a better one.

So often we pray, "God get me out of this 'mess'." When we should be praying, "God help me hear your voice through this mess. God let me know your will for me. God show me joy in this situation. Give me courage to weather this storm. Give me guidance through this rough patch. Show me, God, what you want me to learn from this journey."

One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 5:3-5.

We are full of joy even when we suffer. We know that our suffering gives us the strength to go on. The strength to go on produces character. Character produces hope. And hope will never let us down. God has poured his love into our hearts. He did it through the Holy Spirit, whom he has given to us.

Sometimes we need to stop grumbling, embrace the journey God has us on and gain strength that builds character!

I cannot sum it up any better than Paul!

Have an awesome character filled week.

In him......


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Courage - Numbers 13: 16-33

A new summer month is upon us and we are teaching the children throughout the month of June about courage!

They will follow the life of Joshua. Joshua was Moses successor as leader of Israel.

Joshua is introduced to us in Numbers Chapter 13. The story of the 12 'spies' God (through Moses) sent to 'check-out' the land.

Read Chapter 13 of Numbers this week. I promise it is great. God doesn't pull any punches. God gets angry.

Sometimes I tend to stay in the New Testament so I can get my Jesus fix. But sometimes I need to know more of God's character and I find myself digging into the Old Testament! It is good for your growth. I promise you.

After reading this chapter I remind myself of those times I am faced with tough choices that are not 'for sures'. You know what I am talking about! Should I marry this person (what if it doesn't work out)? Should I take this new job (what if I end up hating it)? Should I move to this city (what if it snows)? Should we have children (what if I never have a restful night sleep)? Etc.

Eventually you take a leap of faith and make a decision. Or maybe you don't.

When you don't is it because you are afraid? Or is it because you are not trusting God with this major decision?

When you talk to your kids about courage you probably remind them that you are always there by their side. You probably tell them you would never let them do anything that would harm them.

God gives us that same encouragement. God does not promise the road will be easy. He does promise if we chose a road with courage He will lead us. God will always be at our side. God will never abandon us.

It takes courage! It takes faith!

I pray your choices are reflective of your faith that God gives you courage.

Have an awesome week!

In Him......


Thursday, May 14, 2009

Samson and Delilah - Judges 16

Samson toys with the one he loves (Delilah). Delilah wants to know where he gets his strength. She is not necessarily wanting to know for good reasons. Delilah is selling her knowledge to the highest bidder.

Samson teases her time and time and time again. Finally he tells her his secret. Samson reveals his true identity. Like a super hero.

Here's the catch. Samson was flirting with Delilah. He probably thought it was pretty harmless. Don't we all fall victim to temptation? Through this flirtatious behavior he disobeys God. From birth Samson has been told, by God, to never cut his hair. Samson knows the promise. Samson does it anyway because he is distracted by his love for Delilah.

Samson strength is temporarily taken away because of his disobedience to God. Did God abandon Samson? Or did Samson's choices separate him from God?

When I am disobedient to God does he abandon me?

No, God never abandons me. God let's me live with the choices I make. I separate myself from Him by sinning. I make the choices.

God is still there. I still have the gifts he gave me. Through sin I separate myself from him and deny myself and everyone around me the benefits of the gifts He gave me.


So go with this thought! Honor God by being obedient to Him. Don't deny others the gifts God gave you. Exercise your gifts to honor He who made you!

Have an awesome day!

See you Sunday!

In Him.......


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mothers Day - May 10, 2009

There are 312 references to mother in the NIV translation of the Bible.

Clearly God considers mothers important.

This Sunday we are honoring Mom in Preschool/Nursery by looking at the 5th Commandment (Exodus 20:12). Honor your father and your mother.

Our theme is obedience. This week we learn how we can be obedient to our mothers. We must obey swiftly, sweetly and completely.

What does this mean to me?

I wonder how to be a God honoring adult child. How do I honor my mother? We are called to leave our mothers and fathers when we become united with our spouses. We still need to be obedient to our mothers as adults. But what does that look like?

What does my son learn from my relationship with my mother? How will he treat me? Will it be similar to my relationship to my mother? My husbands relationship to his mother?

I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. 2 Timothy 1:5

Isn't it important for us to remember what we learned from our parents? Whether it is how they raised us, in a Christ centered home or not. The work ethic they bestowed on us. Our reaction to certain circumstances. Our heritage. etc.

The older I get the more I realize no matter how my parents raised me they did the best they could. Parenting is a work in progress. No matter how many books you read or parenting seminars you take. I appreciate what my parents did for me, swiftly, sweetly and completely. Just like I expect from my own children.

Mom, I love you! I love how you raised me. You raised me to be the women I am today! Thank you! Happy Mothers Day!

In Him.......


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Genesis 12:1-9 April 16 LHC Kids

Genesis 12:1-9 the beginning of Abrams journey. It is all about Faith.

We are teaching Faith every week in April to our children at LHC Kids.

Open your Bible to chapter 12 (read a little of 11 to get the genealogy), read about the faith Abram had.

It sounds so simple because you think....well they were probably nomadic people in those days. They were probably use to going hither and yon.

Well.....not really! The Bible says that Abrams father ( Terah) settled in this land and he lived 205 years. By the accounts of the family tree I gather they were a pretty tight family.

Leaving Haran for Abram was not an easy task or one Abram was really excited about. Think of the FAITH.......

In those days what did they really know about were they were going? For us when we move to a new city we know the classification of the schools, the demographics of the area, how close the grocery store is, weather or not it snows in January, the average temp in July, do people were white before Easter (just checking to see if you are alert).

In other words lets not overlook the sacrifice Abram made to follow God's plan.

Faith - the persuasion of the mind that certain statements are true.

So Abram had to convince himself what God was telling him was true and he needed to carry on what God told him.

In my life when God tells me to do something. Especially something hard, something I don't necessarily feel comfortable doing or feel a great sense of excitement about giving up, I wrestle with it. I try to find reason's God doesn't want me to do it before I come to the conclusion God isn't going to let this go.

Sometimes these are big things but sometimes they are little things.

Abram left his hometown to settle in another very unfamiliar place. God promised Abram some great things. Make him a new nation, bless him, make him famous, make him and all who bless him blessed, all people who he blesses will be blessed.

Wow! Does God give me those audible promises? Maybe not. But God does give me his word and through His word He promises me the same things He promised Abram.

God tells me that if I have faith in Him. If I follow His lead He will bless me in more ways than I can imagine. It may be hard but the end result is clear. He will bless me!

Have a great remaining week. I pray you have faith in Gods plan and you are filled with blessings beyond measure for being His obedient child!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Matthew 28:1-15 - Easter 2009

It is Sunday after Jesus was crucified. Mary M. and the other Mary go to the tomb to see Jesus and to sprinkle oils, as was a Jewish custom.

An angel appeared to them and said, "Do not be afraid."

From the beginning of the New Testament angels appear saying, "Do not be afraid." Zachariah, Mary (Jesus' mother), Joseph and now the 2 Mary's.

Imagine the angel. How in awe they must have been. Yet, the two Mary's had been in the presence of Jesus. They have seen God in the flesh. Why would they fear an angel?

Remember the traditional fear of God's presence? If a priest was in the Holy of Holy's, in the Temple and his heart was not right with God he would die. Also, women were not traditionally welcomed into the religious hierarchy of the day. So fear of the Lord was common.

The angel appeared to those who's hearts were pure. Mary Magdalen and the other Mary. Not the ones around them. The soldiers passed out. Remember that! The angel spoke to the 2 Mary's only. He did not speak to anyone else around them.

I am wondering. Is my heart pure enough for me to listen to God, or His angel, speak to me? What is His message for me? Are you ready to hear Him?

Jesus died for you and me and He has a specific message for each of us. He will reveal himself if we are ready. God knows when that is. We don't know when but we can prepare ourselves. So, as I ask myself, ask yourself, "Am I ready to hear God's plan for me?" I pray I am. I pray you are too.

Have an awesome Easter Sunday!

In Him......


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Matthew 21:1-11

The week before Jesus was crucified He paraded through Jerusalem with crowds cheering in recognition that He was The Savior.

Prior to His procession, Jesus gives his disciples specific instructions to follow that will full fill prophecy. Keep in mind they just heard Jesus predict his death for the third time.

What were they experiencing at that time? Were they as excited as the crowd was? Or were they morning the fact that Jesus was going to be crucified?

I have always loved Palm Sunday. I find it a time of celebration. I want to know that the disciples felt that way too. Did they know what they were a part of? Did they feel the excitement of the crowd? Finally Jesus is recognized as King! "Hosanna to the Son of David!"

Wikipedia says the word Hosanna is a cry of praise or adoration. It is also a Hebrew word meaning please save or savior.

Jesus is our Savior. The disciples experienced the crowds praise Him in adoration! They had to be joyful Jesus was about to full filled prophecy and they were there to witness it.

Reflect on Sunday, Palm Sunday, the procession and excitement of the day. This is part of the foundation of our belief. Jesus was born. Jesus walked with us. Jesus died for our sins. His people had an opportunity to praise and worship Him. Remember that in service this Sunday. Praise His name. Worship your King. Raise your hands high and praise Him.

This weekend our children will mimic the parade Jesus created. Our preschoolers will march through the worship center with palms in hand waving them in recognition of our Savior and the promise He came to full fill!

Have a great weekend. See you Sunday

In Him.......


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prophets - John the Baptist

Seems odd to me that a mortal baptized Jesus. Yet I have to remember that John was more than just 'anybody'. John was a prophet.

John 1:6 A man came who was sent from God. His name was John.

So I real myself in and realize the importance of prophets.

John came to tell us about Jesus. To prepare his way. That is a huge job!

I'm the messenger who is calling out in the desert, 'Make the way for the Lord straight.'" John 1:23

John knew his role. He answered his call from God.

John, Habakkuk, Micah, Nathan. The prophets we learned about all month. They all had different jobs. All had different gifts. They remain steadfast in their role to communicate God's word to His people .......US! Prophets are selected by God to speak as His formal representative (Wikipedia). Deut. 18:18 "I will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them all that I command him." See the important job? John wasn't just 'anybody'.

God breathed. Just as His word is true, the prophets words are true. So regard the prophets as God's voice.

I cannot imagine listening to a person who just spoke directly to God. Yet this has been going on for hundreds (thousands) of years. God has always been here and has sent messengers to speak to us yet we as a culture have a hard time listening. It's that 'free will' nature God gave us.

We continue to have a hard time hearing God's voice. We have it in writing. Clearly spoken, interpreted in any version that suits your fancy. You can even get the Word in magazine form! If you don't have a Bible at home you can get many different versions online. For free. Be in the word. God sent us His word so that we could have the audible voice. We have the prophets words. We have their written accounts. When we read His Word God's voice comes alive.

I hope you are all making your conversations with God personal. Journal. Pray. God will make His voice audible.

Have an awesome week!

In Him.......


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Prophets - Habakkuk

Have you ever read this scripture? Really? Habakkuk. A first for me I have to truly admit.
Lesson learned. There are NO bad books in the Bible!

Habakkuk was a prophet. A very frustrated one at that. He sees all kinds of things going on around him and he cannot believe all these people are getting away with it. Sound familiar?

Well it struck a cord with me. People being bailed out of this and bailed out of that. No one taking responsibility for bad things they did. Sometimes it looks like the entire world is falling apart. But is it?

Habakkuk finds himself in a world much like we see today. What does he do? He takes it to the source. He prays to God. He asks God some tough questions.

vs. 3 Why do you make me watch while people treat others so unfairly? Why do you put up with the wrong things they are doing? I have to look at death. People are harming others. They are arguing and fighting all the time.

The Lord replies, "Look at the nations. Watch them. Be totally amazed at what you see. I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe. You would not believe it even if someone told you about it."

It is hard to understand why God allows bad things to happen. But never forget that He is always in control.

Relying 100%. Giving God all we have is the only answer to the 'why's' we have for Him. Remembering that God does have a plan. Things are not falling apart so much that He cannot fix it. God is in control.

Enjoy the reminder of your spring break. See you Sunday!

In Him.......


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Loving Our Neighbor

Our recent stock market rally notwithstanding, the last year has been an exercise in uncertainty for many of us. In these trying times, some people are turning away from the church at a time when we need the church more than ever. We need the church to spread the message of salvation through Christ. And, often, people won't listen to a message aimed at their salvation unless their earthly needs are being met. This makes charitable giving (of both time and money) and missions work so important right now.

On that note, I just want to take this take chance to thank some LHC Kids volunteers for the generous giving of their time to the Pan De Vida Children's Shelter in Sandoval, Mexico. Mo Larrea, Sally Colombo, Jimmy Hampton and Jeannie Hampton all stepped up and showed love to the kids and got a lot of love in return.

And on a lighter note, here is the LHC Kids video on love from February. And thanks to Bob Fonseca for doing the heavy lifting on this.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Micah the prophet

Micah the prophet wrote of his vision from God. Micah's letter was written to warn God's people to repent. Micah wanted the people to realize the love of God, recognize their sins (fraud, theft, greed, debauchery, oppression, hypocrisy, heresy, injustice, extortion, lying,, murder, etc.) and rely on God to forgive them and change their hearts.

In chapter 5 (our teaching lesson for this week) Micah foretells the coming of Jesus Christ. This chapter provides one of the clearest Old Testament prophecies of Christ's coming.

vs. 2 "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, who's origins are from of old, from ancient times."

vs. 5 "And he will be their peace."

vs. 5.......we will raise against him seven shepherds, even eight leaders of men.

What Micah means is that God will bring good leaders when he returns to reign.

Micah pleads with Gods chosen to repent. The Lord is coming. Repent. Put your trust in the Lord. Instead of being overwhelmed with fear we should put our trust in God and have confidence God will provide all military and monetary mite.

This just sits right with me, here, were I am right now. Why fret and worry about were the economy is going, etc., etc. With the knowledge and trust of Gods justice (foretold thousands of years ago). He will save His chosen. I am one of His chosen.

Thank you Lord for choosing me.


In Him.......


Thursday, March 5, 2009


1 Samuel 11 is the story of David and Bathsheba.

I had to wonder, how David could fall into this temptation? All that God trusted him with and he fell victim to a women? He had everything a man could desire. All the women he wanted. All the riches he wanted. Yet the one thing he could not have. A married women. He could not live without.

Or could he?

David allowed himself to fall deeper and deeper into sin. David allowed himself to be caught up in what tempted him most. What David did not do was let God guide him through his spiral into sin.

Did you know that God protects us from temptations that are to much for us to handle? (1 Cor. 10:13) God never allows a temptation to cross our path that He has not equipped us to handle.

So how can a man so close to God, a man that trusted God for his entire life fall victim to temptation?

David was not much different than you and I. David faced temptation every day. Just like you and I. David was a great king. He was tempted. David got caught up in his sin and let it blind him from the goodness God had for him. Of course God forgave David. But God also showed David that he had to live with the consequences of his actions.

No different than us. We all have temptations. We live with them daily. Our selfish desires make us fall deeper and deeper into sin. Just like David. God gives us protection. Ephesians 6:10-20 tells us that God gives us an armor to protect us from the enemy. Put it on when you are faced with the temptations of sin. Temptations will come. Remember it is not if, it is when.

Learn what your temptations are. Learn what armor God has given you. Put it on. Don’t be afraid it won’t fit. I may take a little getting use to, but it will fit. Just like a good workout, tough to get through but when it is over you feel strong, refreshed and glad you persevered and finished.

May God bless the remainder of your week and you find your armor.

In Him........


Wednesday, February 25, 2009

The truth will set you free.

This month in LHC Kids we are talking about Honesty/Truth. We are tying it all together by teaching about the prophets.

I want to talk about our memory verse.

Every month we teach a scripture to the children. This month is:

"Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." John 8:32

Read this scripture and go beyond verse 32.

I read beyond and I got frustrated. What does it take to convince people who Jesus is?

I get like that with people I know that do not believe. Then of course, I need to eat some humble pie.

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

How many times have I known the truth and hung on to it? Like I know better than God? Like I can fix it better than God? How many times do I feel like I need to keep the control? Even though I know if I let God take hold of it He will set me free.

Sometimes humble pie brings God's word to a point that stings a bit. But it helps me grow!

Thank you all for hearing my crazy in sites into God's word.

I hope you enjoy your walk this week.

See you Sunday!

In Him........


Thursday, February 19, 2009

Love In Action

You are never to young to take initiative and fill a need. Here is a great story about a freshman basketball player at Clemson, Tanner Smith, who has started a non-profit in 6th grade. His group provides goodies bags to kids with cancer.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Believing - John 3:16

This week is our last week on love.

What a perfect verse to end this lesson.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Probably the most memorized verse in the Bible. You see it at sporting events, flashed from the crowds. Athletes paint it on their cheek bones. It is the summation of our Christian walk.

But what does it really mean?

Did you realize that this was Jesus talking to Nicodemus? Nicodemus was a religious leader of the day who snuck to see Jesus in the night so no one else could see him. Nicodemus knew the old testament inside and out but guess what? He had no idea how to handle Jesus. Jesus was talking about things that Nicodemus never heard before. Believing? Faith? Trust? Nicodemus and the other religious leaders were teaching the people how to live by following the law. It had nothing to do with believing, faith and trust! And what about love?

Jesus waists no time. Jesus witnesses to Nicodemus. 1st he tells him he must be born again (save that for another blog). 2nd Jesus tells Nicodemus about His father. What His father has done for us. He talks to Nicodemus about why we must believe.

For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Rest on what Jesus is telling Nicodemus. Jesus is telling Nicodemus (us) that His father (God) made the ultimate sacrifice. He sacrificed His only son (Jesus). From that, God expects something from us. God wants us to believe that this is true. He wants us to trust Him. He made the ultimate sacrifice so we would believe that we can trust Him to unconditionally love us.

That is the love God wants back from us. Not all the things we do. Not all the Bible studies we are in or how many serving teams we are on. Not how nice we are to our neighbors or the snitty grocery store clerk. God wants us to believe unconditionally in Him. Just like He believes unconditionally in us.

He says right here in John 3:16 that if we believe, we will not perish, we will have eternal life. That means we cannot leave anything uncovered or hidden. We cannot believe or trust a little bit. We cannot keep some of control and only give God a little. No, He wants it all. AND IF we do that (love this) God promises eternal life. Not here mind you. Eternal life in paradise.

I ask you. Who doesn't want that?

I love all of you! I pray for unconditional love. Whatever you are holding on to. Put it at His feet. Tell me how it feels!

See you Sunday!

In Him.......


Thursday, February 12, 2009

Peter before the Sanhedrin

Acts 4:1-22

More love as we continue our month of love. The children will have candy hearts on the brain this Sunday. They have had Valentines party's at preschool and school, made valentines for Dad, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa and all their precious teachers. Love is in the air for our kiddo's this Sunday.

Truly this is the biggest day of Love for our children.

So how do we tie in Peter before the Sanhedrin on Valentines weekend?

Well....glad you asked. Some things that spoke to me..........

Peter (and John) were very passionate and vocal about sharing the message of Christ wherever they went. This upset a lot of people. Especially the religious leaders of the day.

Yet this did not sway them from preaching and healing wherever they went.

When you are passionate about something we say we LOVE it!!! We love to talk about it. We love to do it and we LOVE to tell others about it.

For Peter and John their passion was their love for spreading the news of Christ. They loved it so much that getting thrown in jail didn't stop them.

vs. 13 The leaders saw how bold Peter and John were.

Their love was obvious to everyone who heard or saw them.

The leaders ordered them to leave and never talk about Jesus again.

They respond in vs. 19-20 "Judge for yourselves. Which is right from God's point of view? Should we obey you? Or God? There's nothing else we can do. We have to speak about the things we've seen and heard."

They love d Jesus so much they could not tell the leaders (lie) they wouldn't do it any more. They had to talk about Jesus. They had to spread the word.

That is how much they loved him.

Have a Lovely Valentines Day!

In Him.........


Thursday, February 5, 2009

Peter, do you love me?

John 21:15-25

We are teaching the children about love this month through the life of Peter.

This is a great story about how we love our King. Also how we show our love. Is it just talk. "Oh, I love Jesus."

Jesus asks Peter 3 times.......

...........Peter do you love me? I always struggle with this. Well (I can see Peter saying this to himself), if you didn't believe me the first time why would you trust me the 2nd and 3rd time you asked me?

Here is what I found out, Jesus asked this question 3 times with 3 different meanings.

1st. Peter do you love me (truly love, agape love) more than these. (vs. 15)
2nd Peter do you love me (Jesus). (vs. 16)
3rd Peter do you love me (affection, brotherly love). (vs. 17)


Peter do you love me (Jesus) more than anything else. Peter is it Jesus you love? Peter am I(Jesus) your friend?

So put your name in place of Peter's and ask yourself the questions Jesus asked Peter.

Is Jesus first in your life? Is He the one you show your love to? Do you treat Him as your friend?

Peace to you this remaining week. I hope to see you Sunday!


Thursday, January 29, 2009

On This Rock I Will Build My Church Matthew 16:18

This Sunday the children will be introduced to Peter, Simon whom Jesus renamed Peter (Cephus - Aramaic, Greek synonym is Petros, or Peter. Peter means rock or stone).

I love Peter. I have a note in my Bible next to Matthew 16:18 it says 'Peter was the first Christian.' What I meant was, he was the first one to really organize the followers of Christ. Jesus said upon this rock (Peter) I will build my church (Matthew 16:18). Peter took the charge seriously and organized the first church. Acts chapter 2:42-47.

Throughout the month of February we will delve into teaching the children about Peter and what it means to love one another. Place yourself in Peter's shoes. Peter loved Jesus so much he gave up everything he had to follow him. Remember this, Peter knew Jesus. He didn't follow Jesus in a hypnotic trance. He heard Jesus speak. Jesus had spent time in their village. Jesus spent time getting to know Peter and his brother Andrew, before He asked them to follow Him and before they agreed to follow Jesus.

I feel like Jesus wants that from us. Jesus wants us to get to know Him before we follow Him. I pray we emphasize that to non believers and to the children. Let's teach our children to get to know Jesus by reading his word, praying and coming to church and experiencing fellowship. Let's teach our children how to spend time with Jesus as we spend time with Him ourselves and get to know Him more.

I pray God blesses your week and weekend with the love He wants you to feel from the intimacy of His presence!

In Him.......


Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fishers of Men

January 23rd, 2009

LHC Kids have been hearing about Elijah and Role Models the entire month of January. This Sunday we tie in Jesus as a Role Model.

Matthew 4:18-22 Jesus chooses his first 4 disciples. Simon, Andrew, James and John. These four men are Jesus first students. These four men are fisherman. Why did Jesus choose four fishermen to be his first students? I am certain it was a good living. I am certain they provided well for their families. My research tells me that the Sea of Galilee was famous for the quantities and types of fish. In Israel the Sea of Galilee was known as the 'Fish Gate' because of the amount of fish that was brought into Jerusalem to its markets. Most of the fish were caught by nets that were cast out and drug back by hand. A very strenuous line of work.

I think I know why he choose fisherman. Hear me out on this one.

Jesus used his fisherman students as examples throughout his teaching years.

The example He tells the disciples on their first day in class. "I will make you fishers of people." Matthew 4:19

These men knew what fishing was all about.

Cast the net and drag in a bunch of fish.

So, Jesus tells the disciples he is going to teach them how to cast out a net and bring in a huge amount of people???

Yes, that is exactly what Jesus said. They understood. They were excited, fired up. I think they couldn't wait to learn about how they were going to use their experience as fisherman to capture people's hearts for the glory of God.

Now we are his disciples. We are here as Christ followers to do what Jesus taught us. He taught us to cast our nets. He taught us to bring the net in. Then he taught us to take care of our catch.

Thank you for all you do for LHC Kids! I cannot wait for Sunday to happen!

In Him.......


Friday, January 16, 2009


As a former middle school math teacher, I can relate to the challenges that teachers face. This week's lesson on Elijah and Elisha is a good chance to look at how we should obey and love our teachers, in addition to being loyal to them. This is our opportunity to drive home the point that teachers need the support of families and the kids they teach...and that teachers are people who need our grace when they show their humanity and inevitably make mistakes.

One of the things that teachers were always challenged to do was to see things from the eyes of the student. Many kids today don't get enough support and love at home, and it is important to remember that in order to get some context when a student behaves inappropriately. But it is equally important for parents to challenge their children to see thing from the eyes of their teachers and realize our teachers want what is best for us.


The Cloak

January has been our month of Elijah (Role Models). This Sunday we are talking to the children about teachers.
Elijah was a teacher of Elisha. In 1 Kings 19:19 Elijah throws his cloak around Elisha's shoulders signifying the passing of the baton.
Elisha's initial reaction was to tell Elijah he had to say goodbye to his parents.
As a mom, I love that. But I don't think Elijah was as impressed. "Go back." Elijah replied. "What have I done to you?" (vs.20) In other words "Do you understand what just happened?". "I just made you the new prophet."
Elijah had to drive home the point to get Elisha to understand what was happening.
Think about God in your life. How often are you waiting for God's answers to your prayers, grace, wisdom, etc.? What happens when those prayers are answered? Do you reflect back, thank Him and make those life changes you promised Him? "Lord, if you grant me this I promise I will exercise every day for the rest of my life." Or do you do what most of us do? Take grace for granted with a, " Hummmmm, about time that happened." attitude.
Today, take a moment. Look back at '08. Remember your prayers from '07. Look at what God has done. Kill the oxen (vs. 21), leave that part of your life behind. Recognize what God has done and move to where God really wants you to be. Accept the cloak. Wear it well. Thank Him.
Have a blessed day!
See you Sunday!


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Athletes and Jesus

It's popular to bemoan the lack of role models these days, but it's not hard to find college football football players who sport Bible verses on their eyeblack (Tim Tebow, Terrell Pryor and James Laurinaitis come to mind...and anyone who lives in Austin knows of a certain UT quarterback's faith). Be sure to take the chance to point these positive example to your kids. And after the game, when the players thank God, this is a good chance to bring up a few questions for discussion, like: Why do you think the player is thanking God? Should we only thank God after victories? Does God favor one team over the other?

Good examples and teachable moments exist, we just need to look for them.
