Friday, January 16, 2009

The Cloak

January has been our month of Elijah (Role Models). This Sunday we are talking to the children about teachers.
Elijah was a teacher of Elisha. In 1 Kings 19:19 Elijah throws his cloak around Elisha's shoulders signifying the passing of the baton.
Elisha's initial reaction was to tell Elijah he had to say goodbye to his parents.
As a mom, I love that. But I don't think Elijah was as impressed. "Go back." Elijah replied. "What have I done to you?" (vs.20) In other words "Do you understand what just happened?". "I just made you the new prophet."
Elijah had to drive home the point to get Elisha to understand what was happening.
Think about God in your life. How often are you waiting for God's answers to your prayers, grace, wisdom, etc.? What happens when those prayers are answered? Do you reflect back, thank Him and make those life changes you promised Him? "Lord, if you grant me this I promise I will exercise every day for the rest of my life." Or do you do what most of us do? Take grace for granted with a, " Hummmmm, about time that happened." attitude.
Today, take a moment. Look back at '08. Remember your prayers from '07. Look at what God has done. Kill the oxen (vs. 21), leave that part of your life behind. Recognize what God has done and move to where God really wants you to be. Accept the cloak. Wear it well. Thank Him.
Have a blessed day!
See you Sunday!


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