Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Believing - John 3:16

This week is our last week on love.

What a perfect verse to end this lesson.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Probably the most memorized verse in the Bible. You see it at sporting events, flashed from the crowds. Athletes paint it on their cheek bones. It is the summation of our Christian walk.

But what does it really mean?

Did you realize that this was Jesus talking to Nicodemus? Nicodemus was a religious leader of the day who snuck to see Jesus in the night so no one else could see him. Nicodemus knew the old testament inside and out but guess what? He had no idea how to handle Jesus. Jesus was talking about things that Nicodemus never heard before. Believing? Faith? Trust? Nicodemus and the other religious leaders were teaching the people how to live by following the law. It had nothing to do with believing, faith and trust! And what about love?

Jesus waists no time. Jesus witnesses to Nicodemus. 1st he tells him he must be born again (save that for another blog). 2nd Jesus tells Nicodemus about His father. What His father has done for us. He talks to Nicodemus about why we must believe.

For God so love the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16

Rest on what Jesus is telling Nicodemus. Jesus is telling Nicodemus (us) that His father (God) made the ultimate sacrifice. He sacrificed His only son (Jesus). From that, God expects something from us. God wants us to believe that this is true. He wants us to trust Him. He made the ultimate sacrifice so we would believe that we can trust Him to unconditionally love us.

That is the love God wants back from us. Not all the things we do. Not all the Bible studies we are in or how many serving teams we are on. Not how nice we are to our neighbors or the snitty grocery store clerk. God wants us to believe unconditionally in Him. Just like He believes unconditionally in us.

He says right here in John 3:16 that if we believe, we will not perish, we will have eternal life. That means we cannot leave anything uncovered or hidden. We cannot believe or trust a little bit. We cannot keep some of control and only give God a little. No, He wants it all. AND IF we do that (love this) God promises eternal life. Not here mind you. Eternal life in paradise.

I ask you. Who doesn't want that?

I love all of you! I pray for unconditional love. Whatever you are holding on to. Put it at His feet. Tell me how it feels!

See you Sunday!

In Him.......


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