Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Introducing David

1 Samuel 16:1-13

August we are introducing Friendship as our theme at LHC kids. We will study the life of David.

When we first hear about David, God pulls a Moses moment. You know the moment. God appoints the least expectant one to lead His people.

Gods tell Samuel to go to the house of Jesse and there he will find the new king to rule over Israel.

Jesse has 8 sons. He brings the oldest 7 to see Samuel. The youngest he keeps to tend the sheep.

Samuel assumes God will tell him to take one of Jesse's oldest sons. They are strong, tall and handsome. Yet God chooses the youngest, David. A boy who is out tending the sheep.

This famous verse is present here........

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart."

God is referring to Saul at the beginning of this passage. Saul is the strong, handsome one. God has rejected Saul and God is telling Samuel to 'get over' Saul. In God's eyes Saul is no longer king. God will appoint the next king and he may not be strong and handsome. A mans appearance is not as important as a mans heart.

I have to park here. As a women I am concerned with my outward appearance. Before we go out I always ask my husband, "Do I look okay?" Or if I am going somewhere with girls I traditionally ask, "What are you wearing?" I might even say, "Do I look fat in this?" (transparency).

When I reflect back on how I feel about people in my life I hold dear. Do I care if they haven't gone to the hair dresser in 6 months? Do I care (unless it is affecting their overall health) if they put on 5 pounds? Do I care if they aren't wearing the latest trendy clothes?

No! I love them for who they are! I love their spirit. I love when they make me laugh! I love seeing them with their kids. I love having a deep conversation with them. I don't care what they are wearing or how their hair is fixed!!!!

God is so good. He tells us what He looks at and if we are completely honest with ourselves we will see that that is what draws us to people. Its how he wired us. Only if we are living in the world (what man says) will we feel differently. In God's world we reflect on how He made us. We are drawn to someones heart!

This should even apply to choosing leaders (spiritual or secular). We should look at their integrity. We should look at their heart. We shouldn't care where they bought their clothes or if we like their hair style. Or how handsome and tall they are (remember Saul).

Go hug a friend and tell them how much you love their heart!!!

See you Sunday!

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