Thursday, February 12, 2009

Peter before the Sanhedrin

Acts 4:1-22

More love as we continue our month of love. The children will have candy hearts on the brain this Sunday. They have had Valentines party's at preschool and school, made valentines for Dad, Mom, Grandma and Grandpa and all their precious teachers. Love is in the air for our kiddo's this Sunday.

Truly this is the biggest day of Love for our children.

So how do we tie in Peter before the Sanhedrin on Valentines weekend?

Well....glad you asked. Some things that spoke to me..........

Peter (and John) were very passionate and vocal about sharing the message of Christ wherever they went. This upset a lot of people. Especially the religious leaders of the day.

Yet this did not sway them from preaching and healing wherever they went.

When you are passionate about something we say we LOVE it!!! We love to talk about it. We love to do it and we LOVE to tell others about it.

For Peter and John their passion was their love for spreading the news of Christ. They loved it so much that getting thrown in jail didn't stop them.

vs. 13 The leaders saw how bold Peter and John were.

Their love was obvious to everyone who heard or saw them.

The leaders ordered them to leave and never talk about Jesus again.

They respond in vs. 19-20 "Judge for yourselves. Which is right from God's point of view? Should we obey you? Or God? There's nothing else we can do. We have to speak about the things we've seen and heard."

They love d Jesus so much they could not tell the leaders (lie) they wouldn't do it any more. They had to talk about Jesus. They had to spread the word.

That is how much they loved him.

Have a Lovely Valentines Day!

In Him.........


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