Thursday, April 2, 2009

Matthew 21:1-11

The week before Jesus was crucified He paraded through Jerusalem with crowds cheering in recognition that He was The Savior.

Prior to His procession, Jesus gives his disciples specific instructions to follow that will full fill prophecy. Keep in mind they just heard Jesus predict his death for the third time.

What were they experiencing at that time? Were they as excited as the crowd was? Or were they morning the fact that Jesus was going to be crucified?

I have always loved Palm Sunday. I find it a time of celebration. I want to know that the disciples felt that way too. Did they know what they were a part of? Did they feel the excitement of the crowd? Finally Jesus is recognized as King! "Hosanna to the Son of David!"

Wikipedia says the word Hosanna is a cry of praise or adoration. It is also a Hebrew word meaning please save or savior.

Jesus is our Savior. The disciples experienced the crowds praise Him in adoration! They had to be joyful Jesus was about to full filled prophecy and they were there to witness it.

Reflect on Sunday, Palm Sunday, the procession and excitement of the day. This is part of the foundation of our belief. Jesus was born. Jesus walked with us. Jesus died for our sins. His people had an opportunity to praise and worship Him. Remember that in service this Sunday. Praise His name. Worship your King. Raise your hands high and praise Him.

This weekend our children will mimic the parade Jesus created. Our preschoolers will march through the worship center with palms in hand waving them in recognition of our Savior and the promise He came to full fill!

Have a great weekend. See you Sunday

In Him.......


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