Tuesday, September 22, 2009

God's Sign - Genesis Chapter 9

"I have put my rainbow in the clouds. It will be the sign of the covenant between me and the earth."

If you ever listen to Christian talk radio there is a church that advertises called the Church of Glad Tidings. I remember it because the pastors wife always ends the advertisement by saying...."God keeps His promises."

His rainbow in the clouds is a beautiful reminder to us that God keeps His promises. What about when we don't see His rainbow? Does he still keep His promises? We seldom have reminders so vivid as a rainbow but we need to remember He always keeps His promises, rainbow or no rainbow.

Can I say that? Can I honestly say, even as a mom, that I keep all my promises? Maybe most of the time. Sometimes some of the time. But certainly not ALL of the time.

Well, God keeps ALL His promises all of the time.

I trust that!

As we conclude the month of September remember what you have learned through the story of Noah and his unbelievable faith. Noah against the world. Trusting everything God tells him.

I pray you have that kind of Noah faith! I pray that if God tells you to build an ark, you build it. I also pray I see you building that ark and I lend you a hand!

God Bless your week of (still) much needed rain!

In Him......


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