Thursday, May 14, 2009

Samson and Delilah - Judges 16

Samson toys with the one he loves (Delilah). Delilah wants to know where he gets his strength. She is not necessarily wanting to know for good reasons. Delilah is selling her knowledge to the highest bidder.

Samson teases her time and time and time again. Finally he tells her his secret. Samson reveals his true identity. Like a super hero.

Here's the catch. Samson was flirting with Delilah. He probably thought it was pretty harmless. Don't we all fall victim to temptation? Through this flirtatious behavior he disobeys God. From birth Samson has been told, by God, to never cut his hair. Samson knows the promise. Samson does it anyway because he is distracted by his love for Delilah.

Samson strength is temporarily taken away because of his disobedience to God. Did God abandon Samson? Or did Samson's choices separate him from God?

When I am disobedient to God does he abandon me?

No, God never abandons me. God let's me live with the choices I make. I separate myself from Him by sinning. I make the choices.

God is still there. I still have the gifts he gave me. Through sin I separate myself from him and deny myself and everyone around me the benefits of the gifts He gave me.


So go with this thought! Honor God by being obedient to Him. Don't deny others the gifts God gave you. Exercise your gifts to honor He who made you!

Have an awesome day!

See you Sunday!

In Him.......


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mothers Day - May 10, 2009

There are 312 references to mother in the NIV translation of the Bible.

Clearly God considers mothers important.

This Sunday we are honoring Mom in Preschool/Nursery by looking at the 5th Commandment (Exodus 20:12). Honor your father and your mother.

Our theme is obedience. This week we learn how we can be obedient to our mothers. We must obey swiftly, sweetly and completely.

What does this mean to me?

I wonder how to be a God honoring adult child. How do I honor my mother? We are called to leave our mothers and fathers when we become united with our spouses. We still need to be obedient to our mothers as adults. But what does that look like?

What does my son learn from my relationship with my mother? How will he treat me? Will it be similar to my relationship to my mother? My husbands relationship to his mother?

I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also. 2 Timothy 1:5

Isn't it important for us to remember what we learned from our parents? Whether it is how they raised us, in a Christ centered home or not. The work ethic they bestowed on us. Our reaction to certain circumstances. Our heritage. etc.

The older I get the more I realize no matter how my parents raised me they did the best they could. Parenting is a work in progress. No matter how many books you read or parenting seminars you take. I appreciate what my parents did for me, swiftly, sweetly and completely. Just like I expect from my own children.

Mom, I love you! I love how you raised me. You raised me to be the women I am today! Thank you! Happy Mothers Day!

In Him.......
