Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Genesis 12:1-9 April 16 LHC Kids

Genesis 12:1-9 the beginning of Abrams journey. It is all about Faith.

We are teaching Faith every week in April to our children at LHC Kids.

Open your Bible to chapter 12 (read a little of 11 to get the genealogy), read about the faith Abram had.

It sounds so simple because you think....well they were probably nomadic people in those days. They were probably use to going hither and yon.

Well.....not really! The Bible says that Abrams father ( Terah) settled in this land and he lived 205 years. By the accounts of the family tree I gather they were a pretty tight family.

Leaving Haran for Abram was not an easy task or one Abram was really excited about. Think of the FAITH.......

In those days what did they really know about were they were going? For us when we move to a new city we know the classification of the schools, the demographics of the area, how close the grocery store is, weather or not it snows in January, the average temp in July, do people were white before Easter (just checking to see if you are alert).

In other words lets not overlook the sacrifice Abram made to follow God's plan.

Faith - the persuasion of the mind that certain statements are true.

So Abram had to convince himself what God was telling him was true and he needed to carry on what God told him.

In my life when God tells me to do something. Especially something hard, something I don't necessarily feel comfortable doing or feel a great sense of excitement about giving up, I wrestle with it. I try to find reason's God doesn't want me to do it before I come to the conclusion God isn't going to let this go.

Sometimes these are big things but sometimes they are little things.

Abram left his hometown to settle in another very unfamiliar place. God promised Abram some great things. Make him a new nation, bless him, make him famous, make him and all who bless him blessed, all people who he blesses will be blessed.

Wow! Does God give me those audible promises? Maybe not. But God does give me his word and through His word He promises me the same things He promised Abram.

God tells me that if I have faith in Him. If I follow His lead He will bless me in more ways than I can imagine. It may be hard but the end result is clear. He will bless me!

Have a great remaining week. I pray you have faith in Gods plan and you are filled with blessings beyond measure for being His obedient child!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Matthew 28:1-15 - Easter 2009

It is Sunday after Jesus was crucified. Mary M. and the other Mary go to the tomb to see Jesus and to sprinkle oils, as was a Jewish custom.

An angel appeared to them and said, "Do not be afraid."

From the beginning of the New Testament angels appear saying, "Do not be afraid." Zachariah, Mary (Jesus' mother), Joseph and now the 2 Mary's.

Imagine the angel. How in awe they must have been. Yet, the two Mary's had been in the presence of Jesus. They have seen God in the flesh. Why would they fear an angel?

Remember the traditional fear of God's presence? If a priest was in the Holy of Holy's, in the Temple and his heart was not right with God he would die. Also, women were not traditionally welcomed into the religious hierarchy of the day. So fear of the Lord was common.

The angel appeared to those who's hearts were pure. Mary Magdalen and the other Mary. Not the ones around them. The soldiers passed out. Remember that! The angel spoke to the 2 Mary's only. He did not speak to anyone else around them.

I am wondering. Is my heart pure enough for me to listen to God, or His angel, speak to me? What is His message for me? Are you ready to hear Him?

Jesus died for you and me and He has a specific message for each of us. He will reveal himself if we are ready. God knows when that is. We don't know when but we can prepare ourselves. So, as I ask myself, ask yourself, "Am I ready to hear God's plan for me?" I pray I am. I pray you are too.

Have an awesome Easter Sunday!

In Him......


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Matthew 21:1-11

The week before Jesus was crucified He paraded through Jerusalem with crowds cheering in recognition that He was The Savior.

Prior to His procession, Jesus gives his disciples specific instructions to follow that will full fill prophecy. Keep in mind they just heard Jesus predict his death for the third time.

What were they experiencing at that time? Were they as excited as the crowd was? Or were they morning the fact that Jesus was going to be crucified?

I have always loved Palm Sunday. I find it a time of celebration. I want to know that the disciples felt that way too. Did they know what they were a part of? Did they feel the excitement of the crowd? Finally Jesus is recognized as King! "Hosanna to the Son of David!"

Wikipedia says the word Hosanna is a cry of praise or adoration. It is also a Hebrew word meaning please save or savior.

Jesus is our Savior. The disciples experienced the crowds praise Him in adoration! They had to be joyful Jesus was about to full filled prophecy and they were there to witness it.

Reflect on Sunday, Palm Sunday, the procession and excitement of the day. This is part of the foundation of our belief. Jesus was born. Jesus walked with us. Jesus died for our sins. His people had an opportunity to praise and worship Him. Remember that in service this Sunday. Praise His name. Worship your King. Raise your hands high and praise Him.

This weekend our children will mimic the parade Jesus created. Our preschoolers will march through the worship center with palms in hand waving them in recognition of our Savior and the promise He came to full fill!

Have a great weekend. See you Sunday

In Him.......
