Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Noah - The flood reseeds! - Genesis Chapter 8

How much can we endure?

Septembers Truth is God is truth. Noah is an awesome example of truth. God said and God did! Noah never seemed to question God's truth. Was this time in Noah's life joyful, pleasant, fun, exciting, boring, frustrating, hard, filthy, agrivating?

I would bet the later adjectives describe Noah's 150 days of floating and nearly 2 additional months of waiting for the ground to be solid enough to walk on. Yet Noah trusted in God's truth. Noah endured a floating zoo for over 1/2 a year.

How much can we endure?

Chapter 8 vs. 1 says; But God remembered Noah.

Noah did all God asked him to do. Finally the flood waters reseed. God tells Noah to get off the ark. Take all the animals off the ark. It was over. Noah could celebrate. Noah builds an alter to God. Noah thanks God. Noah remembers that this journey is over. It was lonely, hard, frustrating, scary, etc., etc., etc. But God remembered Noah. Don't forget that. vs. 1 God remembered Noah.

Do you ever feel like Noah?

You feel like you are on a floating zoo? 6 months, a year, two years. A tremendous journey that you were not equipped to deal with (or so you think)? You endure. You try. You curse! But you walk on! You endure. You know that God is truth and that if you keep following his path the end will be something you can celebrate. You'll have a barbecue with your friends. You will tell them the awesome story of the journey God sent you on and you will celebrate the blessings that came from this incredible journey!

The point is we are all Noah! We are all asked to build an ark. Sometimes God asks us to bring people with us and sometimes God asks us to go it alone.

God remembered Noah. That doesn't mean he thought about him in passing. That meant God was with Noah every step of the way.

If we hold fast to the knowledge that God is truth the end will always be something to celebrate and He will give us the answer that we can look back on and say; "Thank you God. That is why you sent me on that journey. Thank you."

In Him......


1 comment:

Joann said...

I am not sure what you are trying to say because there are multiple spelling mistakes. If you are claiming that the waters of the flood actually reseeded the earth by depositing seeds, it is unclear how the waters could do this. If you are saying the waters from the flood subsided, then they receded - became gradually less. If you want to make an impact on people, you need to write well. I am sure your heart is in the right place, but the Lord tells us over and over to seek knowledge. This includes being well-spoken and writing correctly. In the first paragraph, you misspell the last word - aggravating, this is the proper spelling for that participle. Also, your life cannot be aggravating, to aggravate is to make something worse, or to intensify; life can be frustrating or annoying, but not aggravating. Do you have spell check? If so, you would do well to use it. The first word of the first paragraph is the possessive of September; possessives are written with an apostrophe, i.e.'s. This should read "September's truth". I hope you will take this in the spirit it is given, as I would like these comments to help you.