Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Luke 9:46-48 - Who is the Greatest?

Jesus wants to be my friend. Who is the greatest?

In Luke chapter 9 Jesus talks to his apostles as they ask who is the greatest among them. They want to know who is Jesus best friend.

Many of us have children who started school this week. If you don't I am confident you remember what that first week of school was like. It's a jockeying for position with friends. Even if you have the sweetest kid on the planet we are all wired to be loved, so friendships matter. We don't necessarily ask, but we want to know (in our friends eyes), who is the greatest? Who is your best friend?

When you have a relationship with Jesus you know His favorite is always you. Jesus tells us His favorite is ME yet His favorite is YOU. He has favorites yet He doesn't have favorites because we are all His favorites. If we accept Jesus into our hearts that is the only was we can experience being His best friend and feel His love.

My prayer is for our children to experience Jesus' love. I pray that love pours out of their hearts so their friends see a difference and want Jesus' love too.

Have an awesome week!

In Him.....


Our kids will have friends that will let them down. Our kids will let their friends down. We will be let down and let down others. When we have a relationship with Jesus he is our only constant.

As we wrap up our month of friendship this Sunday, I am hopeful you and the children we teach, have learned valuable biblical lessons to guide our relationships throughout this school year an beyond.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

David and Saul - 1 Samuel 24

I am reading 1 Samuel 24 from The Message. If you have never picked up The Message it is a great supplemental addition to your personal Bible collection.

At this point in time of Davids life his is on constant run from Saul. Saul is sooooo jealous of David it hurts. He cannot bear the thought of David around him any more and he is gathering together his finest men to seek David out and kill him. Remember David has done nothing wrong but honor God and please Saul.

In chapter 24 David and his men stumble upon Saul in a precarious position. Saul is in a cave relieving himself. David's men are ecstatic. Take him out David. Now is our chance. David knows it isn't right so he puts a teaser out. David is so close to Saul he cuts his robe and takes a piece of it. David is doing a "Nanny, nanny boo, boo. You can't catch me Saul. I could have caught you but I let you go."

David immediately feels guilty. Here is what he says (from The Message). "God forbid that I should have done this to my master, God's anointed, that I should so much as raise a finger against him. He's God's anointed!"

David is so regretful!

So step back and picture yourself in David's shoes. Have you ever had that happen to you?

Think of a time you were really angry with someone. A perfect opportunity presents itself for you to just lay in to them and let them have it. You know they deserve it and you just want them to know........ But wait! Something tells you to take a step back. You know God says we are all His children. You want to do the right thing but boy would it feel good to give them a what for. Tell them how you really feel. You know and everyone around you knows they deserve it! Something is holding you back. In the long run what is the best thing to do? Show mercy? They don't deserve that. God speaks to your heart. He tells you to be kind, compassionate and loving.

It's hard. I would love to say I always listen to that voice. When God tells me to be that kind, compassionate, forgiving person. But I don't always obey. Sometimes I just blurt out and regret it later! What kind of a Christ follower am I if I don't take the high road? How many times have I said, "God forgive me! That was not the God honoring thing to do."?

So take the 'high road' today,this week, tomorrow! I will see you Sunday!

In Him.......


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

1 Samuel 20 - Jonathon and David

Friendship is our theme for the month of August.

We have talked about David being a friend by loving God (anointed as God's chosen one), David being a friend by helping others (defeating Goliath for his friends). This week we will talk about David having a best friend (Jonathon) and how a friend loves others.

We'll talk to the kids about what a best friend is. But this story stirred up a bit of controversy with my study.

As I read through the scripture I was torn by Jonathon and his deception to his father (Saul).

What is God telling me here about obedience? Is there a point in time that deception is okay? God directed Jonathon to deceive his father for the sake of his friend. I'm confused.

Praise God for his Word and study Bibles!!!

According to the NIV footnotes....

It is clearly a principle of Scripture that when a father instructs a son to break God's laws, the son should obey God rather than man. This principle assumes that the son is old enough to be accountable and to see through any deception. A son's role is to be respectful, helpful, and obedient to his father (Ephesians 6:1-3), but not to follow commands or advice that violate God's laws.

Jonathon was deceptive to his father when he lied about why David wasn't at the festival. Yet Jonathon had to protect David or his father (Saul) would kill him. Surely God didn't want Jonathon to put David in a position where his life was at stake. So Jonathon saving Davids life (even though it was through the means of lying to his father) was God driven.

When I face a situation where I need to protect an individual and deception is necessary, it is okay as long as I know I am following God's will and not a worldly directive.

How do I know if it is God driven or worldly driven? I believe you can only be certain your motives are God driven if you are studying God's Word, listening to the Holy Spirit, committed to prayer and seeking Godly council. Then your heart will be in the right place to hear God's wisdom.

Life is complex and complicated sometimes! That is why I am so grateful I am not going it alone!

Thank you God for being my best friend!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

David and Goliath - 1 Samuel 17

This Sunday we are continuing with our study in 1 Samuel. We are teaching about friendship and how David was a friend.

How was the story of David and Goliath a story on friendship?

David was a true friend. David put his own safety on the line to protect the only friends he had. David was a young man, about 14 years old. The only battle David ever fought before Goliath was against wild animals. In my book that is a pretty brave friend. I have never hunted anything. Unless of course you consider chasing down a house fly hunting. I was truly impressed. I am prayerful that God doesn't call me to fullfill that kind of role as a friend.

What I love about this story is how David embraces this confrontation.

David put on the armor Saul gave him. He was not comfortable. It didn't feel right. It was to big. It was to bulky. It was hot. He had never worn anything like that before. David was really uncomfortable.

I have never in my life played tackle football but from what my son tells me it would be like going from flag football to tackle football. I say, "Johnny I know you can run faster than that. He says, "Mom, you don't know how hard it is to run with pads on.". Your restricted. Its extra weight. And for heaven sake, how can you see through that huge helmet.

Davids shed himself of all the armor and fought the battle with the skin and skills God gave him.

Don't we do that all the time? Try to put on someone else's armor?

We put ourselves in situations that we are not comfortable in just to either say we did it, impress our neighbors, make peace with our family or because we 'think' its the right thing to do. When in reality God just hasn't gifted us there. God didn't mean for us to put that particular armor on. Sometimes God gives us a sling shot and we need to learn how to use the sling shot.

Have you ever done that before? Shed the armor and gone with the slingshot? Doesn't it feel good?

Serve were you are gifted and it will be the most wonderful experience of your life. Serve were you 'think' you should serve (not that you shouldn't try the armor on for size) and won't fit and you'll drag yourself every time.

I pray you are were God wants you. Pray on it! Listen to His response! Serve with your slingshot not someone else's armor.

In Him......
