Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Matthew 14:22-36

Jesus is the rock of courage. He would go anywhere, talk to anyone without a whimper of fear. It must have been so frustrating for him to teach courage to his disciples. And it must be more frustrating for him to see us struggle with courage.

I love to picture the scene......Jesus on the shore, watching the boat (you know Jesus can see for miles) anticipating how his disciples will react to the storm. Of course he knows the outcome but He waits patiently.

I would have been terrified. More so than the disciples were. These guys were fisherman. I am certain this was not their first storm. I would have been in the fetal position praying my little heart out!

They see Jesus. Peter recognizes Him but wants confirmation. He gets out of the boat and walks to Jesus. In the midst of the storm and the terrifying conditions Peter starts to sink. Jesus comments on Peters lack of faith, yet He is right there to rescue him.

vs. 27 But Jesus immediately said to them; "Take courage! It is I. Don't be afraid."

Peter started to sink when he took his eyes off of Jesus and started to focus on what was around him.

We do that. Don't we? We think we are fixed on Jesus. We get distracted or caught off guard. We lack courage. We lack faith. As soon as we regain focus on Jesus he lends us a hand and pulls us back up so we can walk on water again.

He is the only one that can rescue us. Jesus is the only one who can give us enough courage to weather any storm.

Have a blessed week.

In Him......


Wednesday, June 17, 2009

The Walls of Jericho

Joshua 6

We all know the story of Joshua and the trumpets around the city walls of Jericho.

Read the chapter. The details of this complicated instructions for the battle seem to be a bit absurd at times. Why the trumpets? Why 7 times?

My Bible (NIV) notes say that it may have been because God was making it undeniably clear that the battle would depend upon him, and not upon Israel's weapons and expertise. That is why priest carried the ark, not soldiers. Or it may have been God's method of taking the city accentuated the terror already felt in Jericho (2:9). Or maybe the strange military maneuver was a test of the Israelites faith and their willingness to follow God completely.

Regardless of the reasons. Joshua was such a great leader. He followed what God told him to until the bitter end.

I am reminded of goals when I hear this story. How easy it is to quit in the middle when it gets to tough.

Like training for a race or staying on a diet. Or maybe giving up something that is bad for you....smoking, drinking, drugs, cursing, driving to fast, eating ice cream. you know what I mean.

It gets really tough at some point. Sometimes so tough it hardly seems worth the effort and it seems so easy to quit rather than suffer through. You know. Just hang it up. Who will notice? This is just my thing! Right?

Well when you give up those things with a promise to God, guess who you let down? God! Joshua wasn't going to let God down. So he followed through until the bitter end. He could have given up. Everyone would have agreed it was a crazy idea. But how would Joshua have handled his relationship with God if he gave up?

When we follow through until the bitter end the results are well beyond what we imagine. When we quit? Well.....we just have to start all over again!

So, don't quit! Persevere! God will give you strength.

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

Have an awesome week.

In Him.........


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Numbers 14 - Spies

Numbers Chapter 14 in The Message begins like this:

The whole community was in an uproar, wailing all night long. All the people of Israel grumbled against Moses and Aaron. The entire community was in on it: "Why didn't we die in Egypt? Or in this wilderness? Why has God brought us to this country to kill us? ........

Soon they were all saying it to one another: "Let's pick new leader; let's head back to Egypt."

When I reflected on these passages I realized how often I'm discouraged with where I am. Sometimes I want a new direction, a new road, a new 'leader'. Then I have to realize right in front of me is God's plan for me. God's blessings for my life is where I am. I am on a journey God laid out for me. What is my deal?

Does God wait for me to pick another path? Choose my own leader? Make another road?

No God waits to see what I am going to do with the current journey He already has me on. God's plan is the perfect plan. We can never choose a better one.

So often we pray, "God get me out of this 'mess'." When we should be praying, "God help me hear your voice through this mess. God let me know your will for me. God show me joy in this situation. Give me courage to weather this storm. Give me guidance through this rough patch. Show me, God, what you want me to learn from this journey."

One of my favorite scriptures is Romans 5:3-5.

We are full of joy even when we suffer. We know that our suffering gives us the strength to go on. The strength to go on produces character. Character produces hope. And hope will never let us down. God has poured his love into our hearts. He did it through the Holy Spirit, whom he has given to us.

Sometimes we need to stop grumbling, embrace the journey God has us on and gain strength that builds character!

I cannot sum it up any better than Paul!

Have an awesome character filled week.

In him......


Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Courage - Numbers 13: 16-33

A new summer month is upon us and we are teaching the children throughout the month of June about courage!

They will follow the life of Joshua. Joshua was Moses successor as leader of Israel.

Joshua is introduced to us in Numbers Chapter 13. The story of the 12 'spies' God (through Moses) sent to 'check-out' the land.

Read Chapter 13 of Numbers this week. I promise it is great. God doesn't pull any punches. God gets angry.

Sometimes I tend to stay in the New Testament so I can get my Jesus fix. But sometimes I need to know more of God's character and I find myself digging into the Old Testament! It is good for your growth. I promise you.

After reading this chapter I remind myself of those times I am faced with tough choices that are not 'for sures'. You know what I am talking about! Should I marry this person (what if it doesn't work out)? Should I take this new job (what if I end up hating it)? Should I move to this city (what if it snows)? Should we have children (what if I never have a restful night sleep)? Etc.

Eventually you take a leap of faith and make a decision. Or maybe you don't.

When you don't is it because you are afraid? Or is it because you are not trusting God with this major decision?

When you talk to your kids about courage you probably remind them that you are always there by their side. You probably tell them you would never let them do anything that would harm them.

God gives us that same encouragement. God does not promise the road will be easy. He does promise if we chose a road with courage He will lead us. God will always be at our side. God will never abandon us.

It takes courage! It takes faith!

I pray your choices are reflective of your faith that God gives you courage.

Have an awesome week!

In Him......
