This Sunday the children will be introduced to Peter, Simon whom Jesus renamed Peter (Cephus - Aramaic, Greek synonym is Petros, or Peter. Peter means rock or stone).
I love Peter. I have a note in my Bible next to Matthew 16:18 it says 'Peter was the first Christian.' What I meant was, he was the first one to really organize the followers of Christ. Jesus said upon this rock (Peter) I will build my church (Matthew 16:18). Peter took the charge seriously and organized the first church. Acts chapter 2:42-47.
Throughout the month of February we will delve into teaching the children about Peter and what it means to love one another. Place yourself in Peter's shoes. Peter loved Jesus so much he gave up everything he had to follow him. Remember this, Peter knew Jesus. He didn't follow Jesus in a hypnotic trance. He heard Jesus speak. Jesus had spent time in their village. Jesus spent time getting to know Peter and his brother Andrew, before He asked them to follow Him and before they agreed to follow Jesus.
I feel like Jesus wants that from us. Jesus wants us to get to know Him before we follow Him. I pray we emphasize that to non believers and to the children. Let's teach our children to get to know Jesus by reading his word, praying and coming to church and experiencing fellowship. Let's teach our children how to spend time with Jesus as we spend time with Him ourselves and get to know Him more.
I pray God blesses your week and weekend with the love He wants you to feel from the intimacy of His presence!
In Him.......
The Faith of Leap
12 years ago