Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Prophets - John the Baptist

Seems odd to me that a mortal baptized Jesus. Yet I have to remember that John was more than just 'anybody'. John was a prophet.

John 1:6 A man came who was sent from God. His name was John.

So I real myself in and realize the importance of prophets.

John came to tell us about Jesus. To prepare his way. That is a huge job!

I'm the messenger who is calling out in the desert, 'Make the way for the Lord straight.'" John 1:23

John knew his role. He answered his call from God.

John, Habakkuk, Micah, Nathan. The prophets we learned about all month. They all had different jobs. All had different gifts. They remain steadfast in their role to communicate God's word to His people .......US! Prophets are selected by God to speak as His formal representative (Wikipedia). Deut. 18:18 "I will put my words in his mouth and he will speak to them all that I command him." See the important job? John wasn't just 'anybody'.

God breathed. Just as His word is true, the prophets words are true. So regard the prophets as God's voice.

I cannot imagine listening to a person who just spoke directly to God. Yet this has been going on for hundreds (thousands) of years. God has always been here and has sent messengers to speak to us yet we as a culture have a hard time listening. It's that 'free will' nature God gave us.

We continue to have a hard time hearing God's voice. We have it in writing. Clearly spoken, interpreted in any version that suits your fancy. You can even get the Word in magazine form! If you don't have a Bible at home you can get many different versions online. For free. Be in the word. God sent us His word so that we could have the audible voice. We have the prophets words. We have their written accounts. When we read His Word God's voice comes alive.

I hope you are all making your conversations with God personal. Journal. Pray. God will make His voice audible.

Have an awesome week!

In Him.......


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Prophets - Habakkuk

Have you ever read this scripture? Really? Habakkuk. A first for me I have to truly admit.
Lesson learned. There are NO bad books in the Bible!

Habakkuk was a prophet. A very frustrated one at that. He sees all kinds of things going on around him and he cannot believe all these people are getting away with it. Sound familiar?

Well it struck a cord with me. People being bailed out of this and bailed out of that. No one taking responsibility for bad things they did. Sometimes it looks like the entire world is falling apart. But is it?

Habakkuk finds himself in a world much like we see today. What does he do? He takes it to the source. He prays to God. He asks God some tough questions.

vs. 3 Why do you make me watch while people treat others so unfairly? Why do you put up with the wrong things they are doing? I have to look at death. People are harming others. They are arguing and fighting all the time.

The Lord replies, "Look at the nations. Watch them. Be totally amazed at what you see. I am going to do something in your days that you would never believe. You would not believe it even if someone told you about it."

It is hard to understand why God allows bad things to happen. But never forget that He is always in control.

Relying 100%. Giving God all we have is the only answer to the 'why's' we have for Him. Remembering that God does have a plan. Things are not falling apart so much that He cannot fix it. God is in control.

Enjoy the reminder of your spring break. See you Sunday!

In Him.......


Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Loving Our Neighbor

Our recent stock market rally notwithstanding, the last year has been an exercise in uncertainty for many of us. In these trying times, some people are turning away from the church at a time when we need the church more than ever. We need the church to spread the message of salvation through Christ. And, often, people won't listen to a message aimed at their salvation unless their earthly needs are being met. This makes charitable giving (of both time and money) and missions work so important right now.

On that note, I just want to take this take chance to thank some LHC Kids volunteers for the generous giving of their time to the Pan De Vida Children's Shelter in Sandoval, Mexico. Mo Larrea, Sally Colombo, Jimmy Hampton and Jeannie Hampton all stepped up and showed love to the kids and got a lot of love in return.

And on a lighter note, here is the LHC Kids video on love from February. And thanks to Bob Fonseca for doing the heavy lifting on this.


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Micah the prophet

Micah the prophet wrote of his vision from God. Micah's letter was written to warn God's people to repent. Micah wanted the people to realize the love of God, recognize their sins (fraud, theft, greed, debauchery, oppression, hypocrisy, heresy, injustice, extortion, lying,, murder, etc.) and rely on God to forgive them and change their hearts.

In chapter 5 (our teaching lesson for this week) Micah foretells the coming of Jesus Christ. This chapter provides one of the clearest Old Testament prophecies of Christ's coming.

vs. 2 "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clans of Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, who's origins are from of old, from ancient times."

vs. 5 "And he will be their peace."

vs. 5.......we will raise against him seven shepherds, even eight leaders of men.

What Micah means is that God will bring good leaders when he returns to reign.

Micah pleads with Gods chosen to repent. The Lord is coming. Repent. Put your trust in the Lord. Instead of being overwhelmed with fear we should put our trust in God and have confidence God will provide all military and monetary mite.

This just sits right with me, here, were I am right now. Why fret and worry about were the economy is going, etc., etc. With the knowledge and trust of Gods justice (foretold thousands of years ago). He will save His chosen. I am one of His chosen.

Thank you Lord for choosing me.


In Him.......


Thursday, March 5, 2009


1 Samuel 11 is the story of David and Bathsheba.

I had to wonder, how David could fall into this temptation? All that God trusted him with and he fell victim to a women? He had everything a man could desire. All the women he wanted. All the riches he wanted. Yet the one thing he could not have. A married women. He could not live without.

Or could he?

David allowed himself to fall deeper and deeper into sin. David allowed himself to be caught up in what tempted him most. What David did not do was let God guide him through his spiral into sin.

Did you know that God protects us from temptations that are to much for us to handle? (1 Cor. 10:13) God never allows a temptation to cross our path that He has not equipped us to handle.

So how can a man so close to God, a man that trusted God for his entire life fall victim to temptation?

David was not much different than you and I. David faced temptation every day. Just like you and I. David was a great king. He was tempted. David got caught up in his sin and let it blind him from the goodness God had for him. Of course God forgave David. But God also showed David that he had to live with the consequences of his actions.

No different than us. We all have temptations. We live with them daily. Our selfish desires make us fall deeper and deeper into sin. Just like David. God gives us protection. Ephesians 6:10-20 tells us that God gives us an armor to protect us from the enemy. Put it on when you are faced with the temptations of sin. Temptations will come. Remember it is not if, it is when.

Learn what your temptations are. Learn what armor God has given you. Put it on. Don’t be afraid it won’t fit. I may take a little getting use to, but it will fit. Just like a good workout, tough to get through but when it is over you feel strong, refreshed and glad you persevered and finished.

May God bless the remainder of your week and you find your armor.

In Him........
